Journal Title: Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research
Publisher: Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Frequency: Bi-annual
ISSN (PRINT): 2411-7684
ISSN (ONLINE): 2411-7706
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
KJAR Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and preventing any form of malpractice. This statement outlines the ethical guidelines and responsibilities for all stakeholders, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, to ensure the integrity, transparency, and credibility of the journal.
Our publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is mainly based on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).
Editors' Duties
Editors play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the publication process. They are expected to:
- Publication Decisions The editor is responsible for determining which manuscripts are accepted for publication. Evaluation is based on the importance, originality, clarity, and validity of the study, as well as its relevance to the journal's scope. Manuscripts are reviewed without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy. Legal considerations such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism are also taken into account.
- Confidentiality Editors and editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to unauthorized individuals, including the corresponding author, reviewers, and publisher, except as necessary during the editorial process.
-Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest Unpublished material from submitted manuscripts must not be used in the editor's own research without explicit written consent from the author. Editors must recuse themselves from handling manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest.
Authors' Duties
KJAR Journal requires authors to adhere to the highest ethical standards in publishing. Authors are expected to:
- Reporting Standards: Authors must provide an accurate and objective account of their research. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unethical and unacceptable.
-Data Access and Retention: Authors may be asked to provide raw data for editorial review and should ensure data accessibility for at least ten years after publication, provided confidentiality and legal rights allow it.
- Originality, Plagiarism, and Acknowledgment of Sources: Authors must submit original work and appropriately cite the work of others. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited.
- Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication: Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals is unethical and unacceptable. Manuscripts that have been previously published as copyrighted material elsewhere cannot be submitted.
- Authorship of the Paper: Only individuals who have made significant contributions to the study should be listed as authors. The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors approve the final version of the manuscript before submission.
- Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretation of their research. All sources of funding should be acknowledged.
- Fundamental Errors in Published Works: If an author discovers an error in their published work, they must notify the journal editor promptly and cooperate in issuing a correction or retraction if necessary.
Reviewers' Duties
Reviewers contribute to the quality and credibility of published research. Their responsibilities include:
- Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Peer reviewers assist the editor in making publication decisions and in helping authors improve their manuscripts through constructive feedback.
-Promptness Reviewers who are unable to review a manuscript in a timely manner should inform the editor and withdraw from the review process.
- Confidentiality: Manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential and not shared or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor.
-Standards of Objectivity Reviews must be conducted objectively, with clear and reasoned arguments. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.
- Acknowledgment of Sources: Reviewers should identify cases where cited work is not properly referenced. Any substantial overlap between the manuscript under review and other published works should be reported to the editor.
- Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers must maintain confidentiality regarding privileged information and should not evaluate manuscripts in which they have competing, collaborative, or financial interests.