A Novel Classification of Uncertain Stream Data using Ant Colony Optimization Based on Radial Basis Function


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  • Tahsin Ali Mohammed Amin Department of Database Technology Technical College of Informatics Sulaimani Polytechnic University Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Sabah Robitan Mahmood Department of Information Technology Technical College of Informatics Sulaimani Polytechnic University Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Rebar Dara Mohammed Department of Database Technology Technical College of Informatics Sulaimani Polytechnic University Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Pshtiwan Jabar Karim Department of Computer Science College of Science University of Garmian Kalar, Iraq


There are many potential sources of data uncertainty, such as imperfect measurement or sampling, intrusive environmental monitoring, unreliable sensor networks, and inaccurate medical diagnoses. To avoid unintended results, data mining from new applications like sensors and location-based services needs to be done with care. When attempting to classify data with a high degree of uncertainty, many researchers have turned to heuristic approaches and machine learning (ML) methods. We propose an entirely new ML method in this paper by fusing the Radial Basis Function (RBF) network based on ant colony optimization (ACO). After introducing a large amount of uncertainty into a dataset, we normalize the data and finish training on clean data. The ant colony optimization algorithm is then used to train a recurrent neural network. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method against some of the most popular ML methods, including a k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, random forest, decision tree, logistic regression, and extreme gradient boosting (Xgboost). Error metrics show that our model significantly outperforms the gold standard and other popular ML methods. Using industry-standard performance metrics, the results of our experiments show that our proposed method does a better job of classifying uncertain data than other methods


Uncertainty data, Machine Learning, Radial Basis Function, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), IoT Applications


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How to Cite

T. A. Mohammed Amin, S. R. Mahmood, R. D. Mohammed, and P. J. Karim, “A Novel Classification of Uncertain Stream Data using Ant Colony Optimization Based on Radial Basis Function”, KJAR, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 57–70, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.24017/Science.2022.2.5.

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